Benalla Health Annual Appeal
Each year, Benalla Health holds an annual appeal to raise much needed funds for the health service. In past years, we have been thrilled with the level of support provided by the community. In 2024 we are raising funds to upgrade our overhead lifting equipment ensuring that the services for our community are the most up to date.
In the past, our appeals have provided significant funds for a new community bus, the refurbishment of the Morrie Evans Wing and purchasing new state-of-the-art medical equipment to support our community, along with the refurbishment of our theatre and CRC building.
No matter how small your donation, it all helps, and our Annual Appeal provides an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing success of your local health service.
You can read more about the 2024 appeal here.
How you can donate
Donate online
Donate via cash or cheque
Cash donations can be brought in to the main reception or via the donation envelopes mailed out to community members. Cheques should be made out to Benalla Health 2023 Annual Appeal. Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. If a receipt is required, please provide your name and address.
Send your cheque to PO Box 406, Benalla Vic 3671
Any donation over $2 is tax-deductible. We thank you for your support.