Emergency Information

Benalla Health Winter Ball 2024 - A Touch of Class

Benalla Health is pleased to invite you to become a sponsor of the Best Care at Benalla Health Winter Ball, to be held on Saturday 3 August 2024 at the Benalla Town Hall.

This year’s Winter Ball theme is ‘A Touch of Class’ and will showcase live music from Escape Band featuring the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s stacked with energy, style, personality and fun. 

As we prepare for our Winter Ball, we are seeking visionary partners who understand the importance of investing in our community. Your support as a sponsor would play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of our event and the fulfillment of our mission.

Why: All funds raised will go towards a significant cause. Benalla Health prides itself on providing Best Care to all and this starts on the day you are born. We intend to purchase a new neonatal resuscitation cot, this cot provides intensive lifesaving care to newborns if they struggle with the transition from womb to life on the outside. This cot also allows our midwives and doctors to work with the best equipment to keep the babies born at Benalla Health safe through the unpredictability of child birth.

What's On: Join us for delicious food, drinks, and entertainment by Escape Band. A Live Auction will be conducted with further information to come.

Click on the link to view our Sponsorship Proposal and Introduction Letter.

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