Emergency Information

EOI - Aboriginal Art for our Health Service

Benalla Health is looking for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist from the Benalla area to create a series of artwork that will feature within our Health service.

Expression of interest – Aboriginal Art for our Health Service

Benalla Health is looking for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist from the Benalla area to create a series of artwork that will feature within our Health service.

The expression of interest (EOI) will be open from 7/09/2022 until 5/10/2022.

For further information on the application and eligibility please see the EOI details below.

If you know an eligible Victorian based Aboriginal Artist – share the news.

What we’re looking for

We are looking for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist from the Benalla area to create a series of artwork that will feature within our Health service and associated publications.

The artwork should align with our beliefs:

  • We believe that accessible healthcare is a fundamental human right.
  • We believe the community is stronger with us, and we are stronger with them.
  • We believe that everyone is welcome at Benalla Health.
  • We believe that each member of our team is integral to how we compassionately serve our


  • We believe in making a positive difference in people's lives - we really care.
  • We believe in and commit to collaboration, innovation and action
Artwork detail

The artwork can be two-dimensional, framed or to be framed (with infection control requirements).

Three-dimensional artwork will be considered (with infection control requirements).

The artist will also need to provide a statement / story that describes the artwork and how it represents the Benalla Health beliefs.

The artist should submit at least one, but no more than four, artwork design concepts for consideration.

Please include any special/cultural conditions or restrictions relating to the artwork or its use.

Artwork sizes (two dimensional) will be approximately:

  • 120cm x 120cm
  • 80cm x 80cm
  • 200cm x 100cm &
  • 1300cm x 1100cm.

The artist must identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, be a Victorian resident, and have a connection to a Victorian Aboriginal community.

All designs and concepts must be the authentic and original work of the artist submitting the design.

Participants are required to submit their ABN if possible as part of the engagement.

Key dates

Milestones and timing from the date submissions close are as follows:

EOI close


Successful artist notified


Initial briefing by


Progress report


Artwork complete

December 2022


The artist is to specify the fee (including GST) for their artworks in the EOI application.

The available budget for the artwork is $6,000-$12,000.

How to apply

Artists are invited to submit an EOI that addresses the above brief via email: greg.vanpopering@benallahealth.org.au

Applications must include:

  • A design concept that is accompanied by a written statement / story
  • Documentation of recent artwork / projects
  • Artist biography
  • Confirmation you can meet our timeline
  • Contact details including background if possible, on the artist.

Evaluation and notification process

Benalla Health’s Diversity Committee, including Aboriginal staff members, will assess responses against the eligibility requirements, artwork design and concept explanation and fees and charges.

Benalla Health will notify all respondents in writing of the outcomes of their response to the EOI process

More information:

For more information, please contact: greg.vanpopering@benallahealth.org.au

Greg van Popering, Operational Director Healthy Communities.

03 57614222.

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